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District Elections

Are you interested in taking on a leadership role in Key Club beyond your local high school? Learn more about how to join the District Board by being elected as Lieutenant Governor from your area, being elected to a District-wide office, being appointed to chair a District committee, or even running for a position on the Key Club International Board.


Elections for Lieutenant Governor (LTG)

The LTGs serve a vital role as the liaison between the New England & Bermuda District and the clubs in their local area. The LTG will create monthly newsletters for clubs, visit each club, communicate with club officers, promote dues and directories, plan divisional officer meetings, and help plan a Regional Training Conference. In addition, the LTG will serve as a member of the District Board and will attend three annual board meetings and two monthly committee meetings.


LTGs are elected at Divisional caucuses. Current Lieutenant Governors will send an invitation at least 15 days in advance. Each club is entitled to two delegates at the divisional caucus. Newly elected Lieutenant Governors will be sworn in and begin training at the District Educational Conference. Please contact your current Lieutenant Governor for more information. 


Newly-elected LTGs must submit a signed service agreement. This document outlines the duties and expectations of a Lieutenant Governor: LTG Service Agreement (PDF)


Lieutenant Governor caucuses for the 2025-2026 year will take place in January 2025. Click here for a list of dates.

Elections for Executive Board

The four executive officers--Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor--are elected at the annual District Educational Conference.  Candidates will speak and answer questions before conference attendees and be elected at the House of Delegates with two voting delegates from each Key Club.


Candidates for Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor must mail or email signed service agreements/forms to the District Administrators by March 1, 2025.


In addition, candidates must submit the online Candidate Information Form by March 1, 2025 to have their information and campaign flyer shared with the voting delegates.

Campaign Rules
  1. There will be a zero-dollar campaign policy for all candidates. Each candidate will be required to submit the Candidate Information Form and campaign flyer to be included in the Candidates Booklet describing their platform and any other materials that they want known about themselves. Campaign flyers must be a single page, 8.5 x 11 inch .PDF document uploaded with the Campaign Information Form.  The form can be found below. No additional materials will be distributed at the District Educational Conference nor will any posters, buttons, stickers, pins, candy, or other campaign materials be allowed.

  2. Campaigning prior to the District Educational Conference is prohibited.

  3. Candidates shall not make public social media accounts or post on social media regarding their campaign until the start of the District Educational Conference.

  4. Candidates may be disqualified for violation of these rules.

Campaign Procedures (District Educational Conference 2025)
  • There will be one caucus session and one House of Delegates session this year. There will not be a nominating conference.

  • Candidates must attend the Candidates Meeting prior to Opening Session at DECON.

  • Candidates who have properly submitted this paperwork will be nominated and given one minute each to introduce themselves during the Opening Session on Saturday morning.

  • All declared candidates will caucus on Saturday afternoon. Candidates for Governor will have three (3) minutes to speak and two (2) minutes for questions during each caucus session. All other candidates will have two (2) minutes to speak and three (3) minutes for questions during each caucus session.

  • The election will take place at House of Delegates on Sunday morning. Candidates will get the opportunity to give a one-minute speech at House of Delegates prior to voting.

  • If no candidate receives a majority vote in the House of Delegates, the candidate who received the lowest number of votes will be eliminated and a new ballot will be cast. This process will repeat until a candidate wins a majority of votes.

Elections for International Board

Candidates who want to run for an International Board position at the Key Club International Convention must be endorsed by the District at House of Delegates at the District Educational Conference. Candidates for International Endorsement must submit signed forms to the District Administrators by March 1, 2024.


If you are endorsed, International requires additional paperwork before you can run as a candidate at International Convention.  Key Club International is requiring all candidates for International Board to attend Key Club International Convention in person.


Candidates can seek endorsement for International President, International Vice President, or International Trustee.  The District may endorse up to two candidates for International Trustee and up to one candidates for International President or International Vice President.


Candidates for International Endorsement must follow the campaign rules outlined about for Executive Board.

Candidate Information Form

All candidates running for election or endorsement at DECON must submit the following form and upload their campaign flyer by March 1, 2025 to be included in the Candidate Book.


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