Mrs. Chris Greene
Area Advisor (ME)
Mrs. Greene has served on the District Adult Committee since 2001 and previously served as a Key Club Faculty Advisor for more than 20 years.
Before retiring from teaching in 2012, Mrs. Greene taught English and advised Key Club at Hermon High School in Hermon, ME. She became involved with Key Club on the District level when her student Katie Vashon served as Lieutenant Governor (2000-2001) and Governor (2001-2002). Mrs. Greene has played an integral role in training the District Board, planning the District Educational Conference, and bringing students from across New England to the International Convention.
Mrs. Greene is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Scarborough, ME. She splits her time between Maine and Florida.
What is an Area Advisor?
Area Advisors are members of the Kiwanis District's Key Club Adult Committee appointed by the District Administrator(s) to support Lieutenant Governors, Key Club advisors, and other Key Club and Kiwanis members on Key Club-related issues in their geographic area. Area Advisors are members of Kiwanis and serve Key Club in a volunteer capacity.