District Leadership
The New England and Bermuda District of Key Club International is led by an elected student District Board with the support, guidance, and supervision of the District Adult Committee.
Need help? Your Lieutenant Governor is your primary point of contact for most questions. For more sensitive issues, questions about dues, or advisor-specific issues, we recommend contacting the District Administrators or your Area Advisor.
District Board
Executive Board
The Executive Board consists of four District Officers elected each year at the District Educational Conference.
Lieutenant Governors
The New England and Bermuda District is divided into 20 regional Divisions. Each Division elects a Lieutenant Governor to represent them on the District Board. Lieutenant Governors serve as liaisons between local Key Clubs and the New England and Bermuda District.
Appointed Positions/Committee Chairs
Each year, the District Governor creates committees comprised of Lieutenant Governors and an appointed committee chair. This year, we have four District Board Committees chaired by the following appointed positions.
District Adult Committee
The District Adult Committee–a committee of the New England & Bermuda District of Kiwanis International–supports, guides, and supervises the District Board. The District Administrators are appointed by the Kiwanis District Governor and approved by Kiwanis International to oversee the operations of the Key Club District. The District Administrators, in turn, appoint the Area Advisors to support Lieutenant Governors, local club advisors, and Kiwanis Clubs working with Key Club in their area.