76th Annual
District Educational Conference
April 4 - 6, 2025
Portland, Maine
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Hotel Information
All attendees will stay in the conference hotel:
Holiday Inn by the Bay
88 Spring St
Portland, ME 04101
All attendees must sleep in their assigned room. Only students of the same gender can share a hotel room. Male and female students can not be in the same hotel room or suite unless accompanied by adult chaperone(s).
Parking is available on-site for attendees at the Holiday Inn by the Bay.
Please contact District Administrator Will Bradford if you need to make arrangements for school bus parking.
Public Transportation
The hotel provides shuttle service to the Portland International Jetport and the Portland Transportation Center. Public Transportation options include:
Amtrak Downeaster
From Points North: Brunswick, ME and Freeport, ME​
From Points South: Saco, ME; Wells, WE; Dover, NH; Durham, NH; Exeter, NH; Haverhill, MA; Woburn, MA; and Boston, MA (North Station).
Concord Coach Bus Lines​
From Points South: Boston, MA (South Station or Logan Airport)​; New York, NY
From Points North (Inland): Orono, ME; Bangor, ME; Waterville, ME; Augusta, ME; Lewiston, ME; and Auburn, ME
From Points North (Midcoast): Bangor, ME; Searsport, ME; Belfast, ME; Lincolnville, ME; Camden, ME; Rockland, ME; Waldoboro, ME; Damariscotta, ME; Bath, ME; and Brunswick, ME.
Featured Speakers
Joe Lepper, Past Key Club International President, Keynote Speaker
Derick Elkin, Empowerment Club Coordinator, Erika's Lighthouse
Stephanie Feyler, Vice President, Camp Sunshine
Nicole McDermott, Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator
Service Fair
At the Service Fair, Key clubs showcase a service project their club participated in. This service project can be an original creation or a fundraiser for the many organizations that Key Club supports.
Standard tri-fold presentation boards are encouraged. One or two members of your Key Club need to be at the table during the Service Fair to explain the project to attendees.
Sign up for the Service Fair here.
Registration Cost
Early Bird Rates (by February 15, 2025):
Registration: $200 per person
Hotel Rooms: $165 per room per night
The per-person cost of registration and room combined is:
Four per room: $282.50
Three per room: $310
Two per room: $365
One per room: $530
Regular Rates (by March 1, 2025):
Registration: $225 per person
Hotel Rooms: $165 per room per night
The per-person cost of registration and room combined is:
Four per room: $307.50
Three per room: $335
Two per room: $390
One per room: $555
No late registrations will be accepted after March 1, 2025.
Per Key Club International policy, all attendees must stay on site at the convention hotel for both nights.
Students generally room 3 or 4 per room. For schools that have fewer than 3 or 4 students in a room, a "Roommate Finder" tool will be sent to all Key Club advisors with the instructions for the registration system to assist in sharing rooms to reduce costs.
The price is the same for adult chaperones.
Adult Chaperones
It is mandatory that there be at least one advisor/chaperone in attendance at the conference for every 10 Key Clubbers.
Criminal History Background Checks and Chaperone Training
Pursuant to Kiwanis International Youth Protection Policies, all adult chaperones attending the District Educational Conference must have completed a criminal history background check conducted by Kiwanis International. The Key Club District will facilitate a background check through Safe Hiring Solutions (Kiwanis International’s vendor) for all adults who do not have a current Kiwanis International background check. Each adult who does not have a current Kiwanis background check will receive an email with a form to fill out at least one month before DECON.
In addition, all adult chaperones must complete an online chaperone training from Kiwanis International.
Any adult who does not complete this process or does not have a clean background check will not be permitted to attend DECON.