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Club Social Media Award

Contest Description

The New England and Bermuda District’s Club Social Media contest is designed to recognize Key Clubs that excel in promoting Key Club through a club Instagram account.

Contest Rules

  1. The Club Social Media Contest recognizes Key Clubs that excel in promoting Key Club through a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account.

  2. The Club Social Media Contest is a District contest. There is no Key Club International Club Social Media Contest.

  3. The contest will be limited to Key Club Instagram accounts. The submitted social media account must be set to “public” so judges can access the page and its content.

  4. Judges will carefully review the Key Club’s content posted between the prior District Educational Conference (April 7, 2024) and submission deadline of March 15, 2025. To qualify for this contest, the Key Club must have a minimum of 20 posts/saved stories within this timeframe.

  5. Suitable awards will be presented to first, second, and third place winners.

  6. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges of this contest.

  7. Judging and awarding points will be based on the following criteria:

    1. 20 points: Frequency of Posts (posts are timely, regular, consistent)

    2. 20 points: Promotion of local Key Club (meetings, service projects, fundraisers, Kiwanis Family events, special events)

    3. 15 points: Promotion of New England and Bermuda District of Key Club (District Educational Conference, Division activities, Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute, Camp Sunshine, Children of Peace International, Key Leader)

    4. 15 points: Promotion of Key Club International (Key Club Week, Partners, Preferred Charities, International Convention, Global Engagement Rally)

    5. 15 points: Engagement (number of likes/reactions, number of comments, number of shares, responsiveness to comments, strategies for spurring engagement with audience)

    6. 15 points: Brand and Professionalism (adherence to Key Club Graphic/Brand Standards, correct logo use, use of proper grammar and spelling (social media slang is acceptable))

Submission Options

Submit the online entry form no later than March 15, 2025.

Due Date

Saturday, March 15, 2025

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
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