Key Club International is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities.
Just the facts:
Key Club has 270,000 members
There are more than 5,300 clubs
Key Club is represented in 38 countries
Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.
Caring: Our Way of Life
Leadership » Leadership is grounded in humility and service to others. A true leader listens, recognizes, and empowers.
Character Building » Character is built by everyday acts of kindness, integrity and teamwork to grow stronger relationships and communities.
Caring » Compassion for others is a cornerstone of the Key Club experience, inspiring action and service to one’s community.
Inclusiveness » We welcome people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to join in serving and making a positive difference in our world.
I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International;
To build my home, school, and community;
To serve my nation and world; and
To combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.​
The New England & Bermuda District of Key Clubs consists of 177 Key Clubs with over 7,000 members in high schools from Caribou, ME, to Weston, CT; from Canaan, VT, to Hamilton, Bermuda. Together, we serve our schools and communities while coming together to support our three District Projects.
Along with the New England & Bermuda Kiwanis Family, we support three District Projects: the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute, Camp Sunshine, and Children of Peace International.
We come together each April in Springfield, MA, for the annual New England & Bermuda District Educational Conference: a weekend dedicated to growing as leaders, celebrating our service, and learning about Key Club. In addition, the District Board hosts Regional Training Conferences around the District in the fall.
The District is led by an elected District Board consisting of a Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, several appointed positions, and 26 Lieutenant Governors representing Divisions of Key Clubs. Our official mascot is NED the Lobster.
The Kiwanis Club of Hamilton, Bermuda, was founded in 1971 when Mr. Dennis Chin, a Kiwanis member from the Bahamas moved to Bermuda. Eventually, the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton grew to over 100 members and was looking to join a District. They visited several Districts along the United States' East Coast and decided to join the New England District of Kiwanis.
Key Club came to Bermuda when the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton chartered a Key Club at the Berkeley Institute. Later, the Kiwanis Club of Sandy's charted a Key Club at CedarBridge Academy (the other public high school on Bermuda), which has since closed.
In 2012, the New England District formally changed our name to the New England and Bermuda District to include our members in Bermuda.
NED the Lobster
The Official Mascot of the New England and Bermuda Districts of Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis is NED the Lobster.
NED stands for New England (and Bermuda) District!

Yeah, you want it L-O-B-S-T-E-R
Yeah, NED's got it L-O-B-S-T-E-R
From Maine to Rhode Island
New Hampshire to Vermont
Mass. to Connecticut
N-E-D's what's hot (like Bermuda!)